Saturday, September 01, 2012

Day One

     Thirty days without facebook.  That's the decision I made a few days ago.  In the grand scheme of thigs, it's not important.  But in my personal growth process, it is.
     I was reminded that I actually had a blog several months ago when I was asked to write a short biography of myself for my (cough) 40th high school class reunion.  A question on the bio page was, do you have a blog or website?  Blog?  Why, yes, from the far corners of my brain came the answer - a blog!  I DO have a blog!  Or, I have a page I write on about once a year and then post it.  Whatever. 
     So, 30 days without facebook.  This is day 1.  Some have asked me why I'm doing this.  The answer is complicated, and yet simple.  I'm doing this because I need to restore some sanity in my life.  Sanity?  Facebook makes you insane?  Yes.  In a manner of speaking.
     Anyhow, this is a 30 day journey.  Other changes were made this day as well.  I have lived with diabetes now for 11 years.  Meds have increased incrementally along the way.  There is no cure, no matter what you read about diet, exercise, and surgery.  No cure, but there is control, and I need to be focused on health issues for awhile.  When I don't work in the summer, I tend to fall off the turnip truck, then I go for lab work in August, then I have a heart attack when my doctor's office calls, because they never have good news for me.  Never.  Let's see, I'm starting my 7th year working for the school district.  I love having a summer vacation but I backslide every summer.  Every summer.  Then I pay the price.
     Ok, enough rumination.  Facebook, I'll miss you.  Maybe.  Other things, I will welcome you.  We'll see what happens. 


MamaRedd said...

I wondered if leaving Facebook for a month would cause an uptick in blogging activity . . . I was right! I love hearing your take on things . . . please keep writing!

bluggier said...

You have a turnip truck???

Anonymous said...

You can do it! Maybe you'll never go back! I've gone how many years without Facebook??? Easy peasy. Anyway, the point is... YOU CAN DO IT!