Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day Fifteen

     Well, today was interesting.  I slept in a little, had breakfast, then Josh and I went to the bank, and headed to WalMart.  While we were going to Wal, headed down south Broadway at about Lincoln, we spotted a small white dog dodging in and out of lanes, running scared.  I pulled off in a parking lot and Josh chased the dog down, catching it behind a building.  Bringing it back to the pickup, the dog relaxed in his arms, and seemed happy to see us.  Some sort of terrier, with longer white hair which hadn't been combed or brushed in a long time, he sat in the back on the seat cushion.  We headed up to Rebekah's as she lives near the pound to get a leash and see if he needed to potty.  Her heart melted as she looked at him, one ear flopped, one ear sticking up - his tail wagging, but neither she nor we needed another mouth to feed, so off Josh went to the pound.  At least tonight, he is safe and not dodging cars.  He was exhuasted.
     A trip to Menard's came next and I bought landscaping materials for Jason to start a project for me next week.  As we were driving home, the truck died - it restarted, but died again, and finally the last 6 blocks or so, we slowly chugged home.  The other half will need to get this vehicle in the shop next week - I wondered if it was overheating, or if there was problem with the gas line.
     Home, materials unloaded, then Josh and I took Lyd to the dog wash.  We talked about taking her to the dog park to help dry her off, so on the way to the newest one, up on north Meridian, we stopped to get a muzzle at PetSmart, as I don't really know how social she is around other dogs.  The times she's been around Rebekah's dog she's been defensive and snapped.
     To the dog park, unhappily muzzled, we let her loose in the large fenced in park where no other dogs were (there are 3 fenced in parks together).  She hated the muzzle and worked at getting it off.  While there, we met the people who were in the other park and talked over the fence.  Both of those owners were interested in hearing Lyd's story, so we told them about her.  They both encouraged us to take the muzzle off and let her loose in the park where their dogs were - a large standard poodle and a German Shepherd.  After discussing it, I had Josh take her over there and take the muzzle off.  She did just fine - snapping at the poodle after he tried to, um, get on her - his owner said he was neutered but that he was "stupid".  He said Lyd acted appropriately.  After awhile, she started socializing with the other dogs, she ran with them, and just seemed to enjoy herself.  I was glad we went.
     Back, home, dinner, and, well, now it's almost 9:00.  That's the sum of my day - I didn't do much, did I - but it was a good day.

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