Friday, September 14, 2012

Day Fourteen

     Finally, the end of the week.  My sister asked me today if I was going back ON facebook after my month of self-imposed exile, and I replied that I am enjoying the peace in my life without it, however, I greatly miss the connection I have with family and friends.  She was updating me a little bit about some things that were posted, and I do miss those little tidbits, if you will, but I do NOT miss the political schlock and the "discussion" questions that suddenly turn for the worse, leaving me gasping in their wake.  I do not miss the articles posted by both left and right wing fanatics, and, I don't miss those sort of slimy underhanded things people post just to see if they get any reaction.  If I want to know who you are voting for in the next election, I'll ask you. Otherwise, no thanks. You vote your conscience, I'll vote mine.  I'm not stupid because I may lean to the right, and I'm not a free for all let the government do everything for you if I lean a little to the left.  You don't worry about me.  You just worry about you and we'll get along fine. 
     So, enough about that.  I brought home work to try to get done this weekend, and I want to spend some time outside if it isn't raining tomorrow.  The weekends go all too fast, don't they.  I love the thought of curling up with a book under a quilt on the couch, but - alas, I have an agenda.  It doesn't include napping, reading, and thinking.  That's a shame, isn't it.
     Hope your week was productive.  Hope you are behaving yourself on facebook, and hope you will re-energize yourself in some way in the the next couple of days.  Love to all.


bluggier said...

Problem is, those who do the political schlock (besides me), probably won't read your blog...they won't know your opinion.
As for my worrying about you, I may not worry about your voting preference, but I DO worry about you sometimes regarding things having nothing to do with voting or politics...such as whether you will keep the dog you found on the street... :) By the way, I can hardly do the "type the two words" in order to get my comment published...I can barely read them, and have to cycle through several to find one I can see.

Wild Flower said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wild Flower said...

I deleted the first comment, but will try an abbreviation of that version. It boils down to this question: Why should I share my political opinion with others? If I'm going to share, my witness should revolve around my faith, not my politics. The most I will talk about it in public is when I lead a prayer in my classroom and I pray for our president. I do encourage my class to faithfully pray for all of our leaders in office and I hope they do. I do not allow any other discussion of a political nature.

Wild Flower said...

By the way, I have the same trouble on your blog. It takes me sometimes 10 tries to get a comment logged in. It is very frustrating, I agree.

bluggier said...

So, are you going to ask me who I'm going to vote for? Or don't you want to know?utuda
And, I think I can remove the requirement to type in those characters...I'm gonna look in my preferences and see if I can take that off of there.
Even if I don't have that control mechanism there, I can still delete comments I don't like, I think.