Thursday, March 06, 2014

March 6

So, did you hear about the 18 year old who sued her parents because they refused to pay for her educational expenses?

"In a lawsuit, Rachel Canning of Lincoln Park, New Jersey, asked a court to have her parents pay the outstanding tuition for her private high school, pay her living and transportation expenses for the foreseeable future, use money from an existing college fund to pay for at least some of her college education, and pay her legal bills."

The judge denied the request for current living expenses and for the outstanding tuition from her private school.  The other issues will be taken up at a hearing in April.  Some are blaming the parents, saying they contributed to her "lack of work ethic".  All I can say is that the lawyers will be the only ones coming out on top in this mess.

Speaking of lawsuits, a Miami doctor sued a restaurant chain, stating that they did nothing to prevent him from eating an entire artichoke, stating that their failure to do so caused him "severe abdominal pain and discomfort".   Don't know how that turned out, but I'm sure SOMEBODY made some money there.

Two people were in a lovely garden, designed exclusively to meet all their needs.  They had ONE admonition to follow from the Creator of the garden, which was, (paraphrase) - Feel free to eat any fruit from any tree you like!  I made it all for you and it is delicious!  However, there's one thing:  Don't eat of the fruit of this ONE tree in the center of the garden.  If you do, you will die.  And that would be a bad thing.

So for a time the couple enjoyed the beautiful garden - the moderate temperatures, the pleasant surroundings, peacefully cohabitating with all the animals and birds, eating what they wanted when they wanted, sleeping well at night, working with purpose as they discovered new and wonderful things about this environment so perfectly made for them.  The best part was that the Creator visited them each day, and they walked with Him in the evenings.  Can you imagine what they talked about?  Perhaps He showed them new flowers or plants which sprang from the perfect soil.  Perhaps He explained why He made a giraffe with a long neck, and laughed with them at the sight of this graceful creature.  Maybe He showed them how to care for orchids and roses and tomato plants, and it's very possible that He delighted in their wide-eyed innocence as they marveled at what He made for them to enjoy.  I can imagine laughter pealing from these encounters as the Lord God became flesh and visited them, cherished them, instructed them, laughed at zebras and monkees and warthogs and the family cat as it entwined around their legs.

Ah.  You know it's not going to end well.  You know the evil one doesn't like this new setup.  He's going to slickly present half truths, and not even to the man, but to the woman, who considers his oily words.  She listened and she chose to eat of the forbidden tree.  She gave it to her husband, and he ate.  Immediately, things changed and they knew it.

Creator comes for His evening stroll and...where are they?  Hiding.  Only He knew exactly where they were.  Excuses begin.  "The woman you gave me made me eat", said the man.  "The snake deceived me", said the woman.  What would have happened had they fallen on their knees and taken responsibility for what they did?  If they would have said, we are guilty, we sinned, we are so so sorry, it is our fault".  But no, they blamed others for their choices.

We are still doing it today, people.  I hear it almost every day.  And oh, the temptation to skirt responsibility is strong.  The pull to abscond, to run, to deny, to lie, and to duck for cover, all the while blaming it on other people is very real.

Maturity in the faith does NOT allow for this.  Admit your faults.  Confess your sins.  The resulting healing will amaze and strengthen you.

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