Monday, January 23, 2006

"Monday, Monday, so good to meeee.....Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would beeee...."
If you know that song, you're at least within 10 years of my age. THAT should make you feel better!

Anyhow, yeah. It's Monday. Finished my day still sort of in the "I'm the new person at work" mode. I hate that mode. It's hard to feel part of a group when you can't remember everyone's name because you met like a million and three people already, and you don't want to ask AGAIN for the upteenth time. And, like every other work place, there's the cliques. I was at a lunch Friday where I was sitting between about 4 conversations and didn't participate in any of them, still feeling like an outsider. Those of you who know me well probably don't think I ever feel uncomfortable and out of place in a social/workplace setting, but that's a wrong assumption. I was glad to get back to WSU today because it feels like "home" (that's kinda sad!!)

I'm doing some testing this week, and some observations. It promises to be a little busier than last week. I'm working with two field supervisors who are about as opposite as two people can be and still do the same job. I think THAT will be the most interesting observation I make this entire two competently trained professionals can have such a different approach, not only to work but to LIFE.

Greetings to all who read, and may you have a good week.

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