Monday, January 09, 2006

Encouragement-the breath of life

I still hate my pancreas.  It’s just SO undependable, lazy, and uncooperative.  Well, maybe I can be that way too, sometimes…(my pancreas and I are one…)…I begged my doctor to give me three months before making changes in medication, and before going on insulin.  He agreed.  SO, if I’m very very very good, maybe I can stave off facing the needle.  However, I do know some people who are doing quite well on insulin, so maybe most of it is in the attitude.  They feel good and look good…they just have to think about poking themselves 4 times a day.  

My nephew was married Saturday, yes, the very nephew who not very long ago was playing with transformers and collecting insects, rocks, string, and other boy toys.  I wish Scott and Laura well and welcome to our family, Laura!  You’ll be a tremendous asset in Scott’s life, just don’t make him give up the transformers yet.

I received a call from the school district I’m working in, and a very warm voice extended a welcome to me, and a timely word of encouragement to not be nervous because “we are all crazy as loons.”  THIS makes me feel better!  Seriously, it does.  I so much appreciated the thoughtfulness of this person to call and assure me that things will work out fine and that they are looking forward to me working and learning in their district.  Breathe in, breathe out.  I feel better.  


Anonymous said...

"...crazy as loons"???'ll fit right in! ;-))) I find being nuts makes life much more interesting and easier to survive. Don't you agree? Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when people become 50 years old, they emulate their pancreases (pancreaii??). They, too, become undependable, lazy, and uncooperative.
Sometimes it takes the threat of drastic action (the NEEDLE, so to apeak) to bring us out of the muck and into life.
I can relate.