Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day Sixteen

     And, a beautiful Sunday it was!  Weather was perfect, lunch with kids was great, good nap, good choir practice, and now, to work.  Yes, I brought home work from school.  Blech.  But, it is what it is.  Blogging first, though.  (I do have my priorities in order, I think...)
     My son in law is coming over tomorrow to do some landscaping for me in the front yard.  It's not anything major, but I'm gonna have a hard time lifting those bags of river rock.  With the old man working most evenings, it's difficult for me to ask him to do much to help out (and that's the way he likes it!). 
     In looking at the week ahead, it'll be a busy one.  Our first evaluation staffing meeting for the year is this Thursday and I still need to do some more testing with our kid (nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh).  He's got a mop of hair and freckles and a smile that will melt some girl's heart in the not so distant future.  Have I said recently that I really enjoy my job?  A student in the school psych program at WSU came to interview me Friday, and I had a hard time coming up with things I really didn't like doing in this job.  Don't misunderstand, I've had headaches with administrators and parents and staff - I've waded through communication problems and hurt feelings and all those things which are present when one is working with people.  But I have a big advantage over these young people in their 20's and even 30's coming up in the program and getting ready to graduate - I have years of life experience dealing with all kinds of situations.  I often call upon that experience to disarm defensive parents, or to strategically "manage" an administrator who is being difficult.  You can't put that on a resume, can you?
     Alrighty, have a blessed week.

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