Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Day Five

    I'm sitting at the computer last night, checking email, home alone, enjoying the solitude.  Getting up from the computer desk, I went out to the kitchen to make a sandwich before going to Bible study and from there,  I heard a noise which sounded like a short high-pitched screech.  Then nothing.  "What was that", I thought to myself.  "That was kinda weird."  Hearing nothing else, I made my sandwich and brought it back to the computer desk to eat.  Several minutes later, I heard the same sound again, and it lasted about 5 seconds.  It sounded like a cross between a child crying and a dog howling.  High-pitched, it grated on my nerves and sounded as if it came right from the computer.  I had Mozilla open and nothing else.  I got up and went outside on the porch, looking for children playing, or a car going by with an odd horn.  Nothing.
     I called my husband, who was on his way to his second job, and described the sound.  It sounds like, he told me, the fan motor might be going out on that computer tower because it is really old.  He advised me to turn it off and see if I heard it again.
     I hung up, and not more than 5 minutes later, I heard the sound again.  The dog got up and stood by the door, trying to figure out what this noise was.  I hadn't turned the computer off at this point, and now, I was becoming very concerned.  The noise was like a shriek, or a high pitched wail, or even an odd laughter.  Again, it sounded like it was coming from the computer desk.  I called my son and in a voice where I was trying not to panic, I asked him to come home and help me investigate as he was off work, then I called my daughter.
    Without telling her what her dad told me, I told her about the sound and asked for advice.  By this time, I was almost in tears because I was halfway scared, and halfway frustrated that this sound was emanating  right in front of me and I could NOT discern what it was.  She immediately said the same thing as her dad - it's probably the fan on the computer tower.  Shut it off and you won't hear it again, she told me.  She offered to come and check it out, but I told her Josh was on the way and I didn't need her to do that.  Hanging up, I turned off the computer, turned off the speakers, and sitting in the chair, I waited for something to happen.
     The noise did not disappoint, and once more, I heard the eerie sceech/wail coming from the now off computer desk area.  Again, I went outside and saw nothing, not even any kids out playing.  No cars.  No noises like this.  No activity.  After several minutes, Josh arrived home, and his first statement to me after coming in the door was, "Mother, I think you're nuts."  I just looked at him, and motioned him to sit down and wait.  I got a Kleenex and blew my nose, and tried to quell the feeling of fear.
     About 20 minutes later, the sound came again.  "SEE!"  I yelled.  "Did you hear THAT??"  A look of recognition came over his face.  "Oh", he said.  "I know what that is."  Reaching into the bottom drawer of the computer desk, he pulled out, you heard it here first, a small sock monkey.  He had bought this sock monkey at Dillons, intending to give it to a friend, about two weeks ago.  It's called a "flying monkey", and when you launch it, and it lands on its belly, it makes this horrific screeching noise.
     Well.  That only answered one question.  In order to get the monkey to screech, you have to shake it, turn it upside down, or otherwise vigorously move it around.  When you do that, it MIGHT make the noise.  There is no on or off switch on it.  Somehow, laying in a drawer, in perfect darkness and stillness, with nothing disturbing it, this stupid sock monkey screeched 5 times all by itself.  He told me it had been in there about 2 weeks, and this was the first I or he had heard this sound.
     My emotions vascillated between relief, anger, fear, and amusement.  A sock monkey!  I was angry - my imagination ran away with me because a toy decided to somehow, all on its own, make noise. I could barely finish my sandwich.  I asked him to please take this toy from my home - it was no longer welcome there, and he took it with him in the car to go visit his sister.  Alone once again, I wondered if I was going to hear the same noise or other noises - and yes, I understand that isn't rational, but sometimes, when fear or other emotions take over, we are not rational people.  After calming down by praying (how do you pray about a sock monkey), and focusing my thoughts on the Peacemaker, I went on to Bible study.   I was not going to share this story because it's so STUPID, but then someone mentioned to a friend at the Bible study - "OH!  I was going to tell you!  I found the cutest sock monkey for your granddaughter!"  followed by "rabbit trail" discussion about how quickly the mind, if uncontrolled and undisciplined can become irrational and fearful. I smiled, and related this story.  Quickly the other women, smiling, nodded.  One woman confessed that when her husband is away on business trips, she sleeps with every light on, and the TV on.  We understood, and commiserated.
     I'm sure that you in my family are reading this and smiling, or even laughing - that's fine with me.  I was just reminded once again by a little innocent, soft, smiling, sock monkey that the mind is indeed, an irrational instrument at times.  The following verse came to me:  "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  II Cor. 10:5. 

1 comment:

bluggier said...

Only you would have an "incident" with a sock monkey, dear...