Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas vacation Day Two

My brother emailed me-he says, so here you are. "lollygagging" on vacation, and you haven't posted one time yet. Ok, ok. Here ya go. I had thought that I might post several times, but if he keeps nagging me...

The last 3 days have whirled by. Saturday we had Angel Food distribtution at church, and then celebrated my youngest son's birthday that evening with chicken and noodles and potato soup. Oh, and a peach cobbler that Lydia got a hold of while it was cooling. She ate the corner of it, so most of it could be saved, but I'm telling you, I'm not used to having a dog around who steals food. We are much more watchful, and Rebekah is teaching her the concept of "Leave It!" I've been working with her too, but you have to out think Lyd because she's smart enough to be sneaky about her food stealing. She's probably way too smart to live with THIS family.

Sunday our little choir presented our Christmas cantata at church, "Hope Has Hands". It was a day of highs and lows, one of the lows was me screwing up my part of the piano/organ offertory duet. Sigh.

Monday, which was yesterday, I hosted a "girl's lunch" for some of the younger women in our extended family, and a good time was had by all. Lots of conversation and laughing, and getting to know each other better. It may become a holiday tradition. Then my daughter and I braved the streets and did a little shopping and ran some errands. We went by Starbucks and bought a Cranberry Coffee Cake to replace the one Lydia consumed a couple of weeks ago. Home, and later in the evening, my kids, my son in law, and a young couple not related to us but who call me "mom" came over for a game of "Imagine If". Quite fun, if I do say so myself.

Today I'm sort of cleaning, organizing, listening to Christmas music, doing laundry, and just bumming around the house. I think I'll go have lunch with my husband today as he has to brave the crowds at his second job tonight. Someone asked me if I felt guilty being off this two weeks while he still has to work his two jobs. I sort of do...I wish he were able to take off more time than what he is. I also have heard from friends who have sent Christmas cards, and it is my intention to write or email them back-I do appreciate hearing from everyone! I do not send Christmas cards out, but I do enjoy getting them, and hearing what is going on with everybody. We even heard from my husband's brother and his wife this year.

It's cold, cloudy, and windy again today, but doesn't seem to be as bitter as it had been the last 2 or 3 days. I'd love to see the sun again, and hopefully this week it'll make an appearance.

So that catches me up to today, Tuesday, December 23. A happy belated birthday to my sister Linda and her daughter, Anna. Most of us women wouldn't want to spend our 40th birthday in the hospital giving birth, but 11 years ago yesterday, Linda did, and we're so glad Anna's here!

1 comment:

bluggier said...

Yes, we're glad that Anna is part of our tribe!