Friday, January 02, 2009

We don't know how it works

We had a very nice Christmas and New Year's this year-it was busy, but not exceptionally so. I did get some things done while I've been off the last 2 weeks. It sounds mundane, but I cleaned my clothes closet and got some things to Goodwill, I cleaned out and straightened the little portable linen cabinet we have in our bedroom, I turned the mattress on the bed and washed all the bedding, after a great deal of thought, I decided on a study for the women's group at church, I have been reading a couple of books I've meant to get to, and I've just been, at times, for lack of a better word, lazy. I know what awaits me on Monday, but I'm not dreading it-on the contrary, I think I'm more of a creature of routine than what I would like to admit.

On another note, my brother and his daughter, my niece, were involved in a motorcycle accident on December 30. Although they were not seriously injured, my niece spent the night at the hospital and had surgery to fix her wrist which was badly broken. Both were stiff, sore, and bruised, but oh my, it could have been so much worse. They were struck by a pickup as they were waiting to turn left at an intersection. Both were wearing helmets and jackets, which saved them from much more serious problems.

I can only thank God for His protection and watchcare over them, but to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how that works. For example, I'm a little uncomfortable when people say God spared them from a tornado that did little damage to their home while they survey the destruction of homes all around them. Bad things happen to all of us and how that's determined is something beyond my understanding. A couple of years ago, a member of our church was killed in Iraq-this after we prayed much for his safety. Had he come home, we might have said that God protected and saved him. But since he didn't come home to his family, what can we say about that?

Don't you hate the "pat answers" that sometimes come from the Christian community when things don't make sense? I do. I think sometimes the best I can do is to admit that I don't know. I don't have the answers. I don't understand. I don't get how life works. I don't know what I could say to those who have had family members who have died in similar motorcycle accidents. My heart goes out to people who have experienced loss and who have suffered much. I have been blessed knowing these suffering heroes of the faith - Jack, Shirley, Marjorie, A.D., Don, Lola, Marie, Lois, the list goes on.

We don't know what 2009 will bring, but it is a little tiny thread in the fabric of eternity-it is but a vapor, a breath, a second passing by. Why do we get spun up about trying to figure out how God works? His very nature transcends everything we are as humans. Yet He came, wrapped in human flesh to live as one of us in order to save us. Ponder, wonder, and just for a moment, let go of what holds you here. Minister to others freely but with no cliches or canned responses. Love freely, demonstrating a heart of compassion and mercy. None of us have it all figured out, but we don't need to in order to live life abundantly. God's grace be with you all in the coming year.


MamaRedd said...

Excellent post. So when is your book coming out?

bluggier said...

I have a natural curiosity about how things work, including God. For me, knowing (or even postulating) how some thing might work brings out even more the wonder and amazement at the designer.
Years ago, I attended an electronics school where, among other things, I learned how a color television worked. I remain to this day amazed that anyone could have put such a thing together and have it work as advertised.
However, I too know that there sometimes are just no answers. Sometimes, things just don't seem to make sense. Sometimes, we don't even know what we don't know. That too amazes me, and makes me even more anxious for that experience called eternity when I may be able to know those answers.

Wayne said...

I agree - a good post! I too do not like the pat answers to those questions no one really has the answer to. Thanks for sharing.