Monday, July 16, 2018

My Summer Post

It's time for my probably one and only summer post!  Yay!  Anyway, here we are July and in just a few short weeks (like maybe TWO???) I get to go back to work.  It's amazing how fast the time goes. 

Trips this summer?  Just one to spend time with my sister and her husband.  A good time was had by all.  However, I am traveling vicariously through two of my brothers, both of whom went on extended vacations out west to national parks, canyons, the ocean, etc.  Oh, and one drove a train locomotive in northern California.  Let's not forget THAT.  I've enjoyed looking at pictures on Facebook at all the travels family and friends are involved in - and I hope someday to be able to do some of that myself someday.  At least two friends went to Hawaii, one way up northeast to Maine, one to Europe, others to Colorado, Canada, and Florida so I was able to enjoy their pictures as well. 

But right now the spouse and I are both still employed, he with two jobs and me with one - but - the end is in sight.  He's hoping to retire from one next March and the other one a year later, the next March.  It'll be a great day for him when that happens.  I have a feeling there will be surprises in store for both of us.

At the moment though, I enjoy puttering around in the summer when it isn't too hot, and doing some things I have difficulty getting in when I'm working.  Reading, yard work, and spending time with grandsons come to mind.  So - that's about it with me.  Not too deep today - just enjoying the cool inside and the quietness of only me in the house.  Oh, that, and the washer and dryer going.  Not too many more days like today before the madness of school begins.  And it WILL be madness this year for several reasons.  I'll keep you updated. 

Monday, April 16, 2018


One post so far in 2018.  Ok, well.  It is what it is.  Most often I don't know what to write because I don't know how to express what I'm feeling or thinking.  I'm saddened by several situations going on right now, both personally and professionally.  I'm angry and upset about a lot of things, and this unfortunately, comes out in every day conversations with co-workers, friends, and family - so they get to see the tears and the lack of patience with people in general, and hear the sharp pointed words that can come from me - yes, me.

The number of children recently who have been harmed by their caregivers is foremost on my mind and when I go back and read this someday, I don't want to forget these names:  Evan Brewer, who was killed by his mother's violent and sick boyfriend - and also by her unwillingness to stand up for her child; Lucas Hernandez, who is still missing after several weeks, and whose stepmother, Emily Glass, is incarcerated.  No break in the case, but he suffered at her hands as well as those of his own absentee biological mother who was on drugs, and, his father, working out of town for long stretches at a time.  Also recently, a 6 month old baby, Jazz was recently killed by his father, Dorl Gwynn, after he "roughhoused" with him.  Finally, a 13 year old boy walked to a Wichita police substation to report that 9 children in his home were being physically and sexually abused by Eric McFadden.  They are now in protective custody.

That is all I can write about this now.  It is heart rendering.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Late Late Late

Lots of things on my mind this evening.  If I went to bed, most likely I would just toss and turn, so we'll try creating a boring blog post and see if that helps. 

January has been a pressure cooker month for me at work.  Lots of things to do, but not only that,
a couple of these tasks are not normal ordinary things, these are work duties which are unusual and not in the realm of what I consider par for the course.  I can't write details of course, although I really want to.  Let's just say that the situations I am facing this month are stressful and there's no way around it except to go through it - once I'm on the other side, it'll be back to whatever "normal" is for the kind of work I do.  But how does one prepare oneself to walk through the fire?  That indeed is the $50.00 question.  I feel a little like tiny David facing big Goliath - if only I had his courage - the courage of a warrior, the heart of a lion, the persona of a - oh wait.  David was a shepherd, and a young shepherd at that.  What gave David the chutzpah to tackle Goliath was his unshakable confidence and faith in the LORD God, the LORD who he served, who he placed his trust in, who he  unabashedly spoke about to Goliath saying, "This day, the LORD will deliver you, Goliath, into my hands..." 

This is my 12th year doing this job.  This year, above all others, has been the most difficult, the most stressful, the most unrelenting, the most pressure, the worst.  Yes, the worst.  There is no relief in sight until the end of May, and maybe not then.  I feel like I have been trudging, one foot in front of the other each 10 hour work day.  Tiredness of brain and body leaves me feeling unequipped, ill-prepared, nervous, and anxious. 

David the boy.  Goliath the giant.  Confidence in the living God slays not only this giant but all the ones after this one, ones I'm sure I can't even imagine.  It's not due to my superior slingshot abilities, oh no.  It's a reminder that there is a strength that's not my own, fortitude that is founded in hope, and perseverance which comes in continuing to stand.  I'll look back someday and read this post, and wonder what all this was about.  In the meantime, I rest in God's ability to provide exactly what I need in these trying circumstances.  Good night all.