Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm a dinosaur

Well, here's the news for the week: I learned to text on my cell phone. I know you guys are all just aghast that I never knew how to do it until now, but it's true. I made it all the way to February of 2010 without learning.

I'm very clumsy. It takes me forever. I had a few glitches in it and I hear from my kid that if I'm going to text, I need an upgraded phone. My daughter has a phone with a tiny keyboard with teeny tiny little keys. I practiced on hers and my big old fingers were really clumsy but the keyboard "felt" right for me. I may have to invest in one of those kind of phones, plus she has a bigger screen on hers than mine is. And, with my newfound skills, we may have to upgrade our phone plan to include free texting, as it's 10cents a text now. We'll see how much I use it. I plan to "practice" every day so I won't forget how! Jay, I'm getting ready to send you one.

It was nice to see the sun some days this week. The snow is almost all melted. I've thought about my brother and sister-in-law in the Dallas area and all the snow they've had - good grief, what a fun winter for them! I see out my front window that the pile of snow in the school parking lot across the street is still visible above the 6 foot wooden fence, so we have melting to go yet.

What can I say about the job - we had inservice Friday and Monday we have President's Day. I know I should be "happy" about these days out, but every day that kids aren't there is another day that I can't get my work done. Next week I have so much stuff on my list to accomplish that I will hardly have time to breathe. Currently at one school, I have about 8 evaluations in the process, and at the other I have 6. They are all in different stages of being completed, but I hope by Friday, I'll be much further along. After spring break, the train starts rolling backwards down the hill, so I have a lot to look forward to!

We were going to take a trip over spring break, but with other financial stressors going on, are not able to do that. We're looking at taking a day trip or two around here. It's just leaving things for awhile, even if only a few hours, that helps your persepctive some.

My puppy is limping! I don't know what's wrong with her leg, last night after coming in from outside she couldn't put any weight on it and actually hopped around here on 3 legs. She also wouldn't let me take a good look at it. This morning she's bearing a little weight, but not much. If she's still having problems I'll have to take her to the vet on Monday. I guess dogs can sprain their ankles or knees, can't they? I was going to take her for a walk today as the weather is a bit warmer and it looks like the sun is coming out, but maybe not.

Have a great weekend, all.


bluggier said...

Well, this certainly is a potpourri of "stuff". Don't send me many texts, because it costs me to receive them. I text about once a month, and then only to my boss (Fred) about something I think he should know. I too have an old phone, but my fingers are becoming used to an occasional text.

Wild Flower said...

Ok, no texts for you then!

Wayne said...

Marianne, This is from Clara using Wayne's blog privileges. I just took time to read the article from Christianity Today regarding Downs Syndrome. It was a moving story. I have known 3 persons with this condition and they are all 3 blessed with outgoing personalities, seem happy and smile a lot. Thanks for posting.scusum

JoAnna said...

I'm a dinosaur too if it makes you feel any better. I've never sent a text and I feel better admitting it!