Friday, March 30, 2007

Holding on to convictions

All of you "seasoned" school psychologists out there - you can read this entry and just smile knowingly, because I'm sure this has happened to you - but my "baptism by fire" happened yesterday afternoon, when I met with an upset angry parent for, oh, an eternity, but actually, it was a little more than an hour. The parent came to the school unexpectedly to discuss a decision we had made (based on my recommendation) for their student, and the parent was, well, let's just say a little steamed. As I watched the person deliver several diatribes, I got the feeling that this person, a professional person in the community, probably was not used to NOT getting his/her own way. Although the meeting was upsetting to me on several levels, I was calm but firmly held my position. I don't know how long I will be able to hold my position, as this person will exercise their rights to due process, and if I am told from a higher authority that I must change my stance, then I will, but for now, I'm hanging tough and will fight the good fight. So there.

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