Saturday, February 17, 2007

This and That

I ended the week with an inservice on Friday. I sort of like them because I can wear jeans, chat with friends, and chill out, but by the end of the day, I'm pretty much done sitting on cold metal chairs and looking at powerpoints. Monday we're out for Prez Day, so...a three day weekend indeed is just what I need. (ha)

I'm in the weird situation of suddenly evaluating siblings. At one school I'm evaluating a set of twins AND their older brother, plus another set of two brothers, and I just completed evaluations with two brothers at the other school. The twins are interesting, as it looks like one may qualify for services and one won't. I have a friend who is a twin, and who is very successful as an adult in the education field, but his twin is another story. The twin is a low-functioning adult who just never quite grew up and became a responsible decision maker. Brings up that old nature-nurture question...but I'm not thinking about THAT on a Saturday morning.

The sun is shining today and we will experience some relief from the bitter cold and winds that have prevailed the last several days. The older I get the more problems I have keeping extremities warm. Once my feet get cold, baby, I'm in trouble. I've been wearing two pairs of socks (thanks sis for the wonderful socks you send me from the outlet store in Michigan) and my old athletic shoes which are ugly ugly, but keep the heat in. Once I get to school I change them, but my office at the one school is so danged cold I run a space heater-and I keep the ugly shoes on. Sorry, but I do!

Here's some thoughts to warm you. Think of:
*Summer picnics in the park with a gentle breeze blowing
*Watching a baseball/softball game at twilight
*Fireworks on the 4th
*The smell of BBQ grills, fired up and cooking hamburgers
*Combines in the field cutting wheat (can you tell I'm from Kansas?)
*The farmer's market with exhibitors selling produce
*Kites waving in the breeze

Now put another log on the fire and enjoy the day!

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