Sunday, May 03, 2009

The week ahead

I'm home from the day's activities - it's been busy. One of the more enjoyable things I did today was to attend a "man" shower for my son, who is getting married May 23. The deacons at church hosted this shower, and gifts were tool and home improvement oriented. He got a lot of useful things, among them, duct tape, a socket set, a nice shovel, a top of the line level, a set of allen wrenches, some "Gorilla" glue, and a cordless drill. Tables were decorated with toilet paper and paper towel rolls, which were positioned on red shop rags. It was a lot of fun.

In the next 10 work days, I have to finish 12 evaluations. Two of those are completed and I just need to write the report on them. 6 are in progress, and 4 I haven't started yet. It takes 3-4 sessions to finish an evaluation and a couple of hours to write each one up. I've seen reports from some other psychologists that seem to have as little written as possible, but frankly, I don't like to do things that way. I'm writing my report not only for parents, but also for future educators and psychologists who will be working with that child. It doesn't need to be long and drawn out, but it does need to be clear and succinct, and give all pertinent information.

I told somebody this evening that I will get through the next two weeks literally one hour, or one half hour at a time. If I look at the end, I will "grow fainthearted and discouraged". If I prioritize each day, work efficiently, and take care of that days needs, everything should fall into place. My prayer is that I won't get sick, that kids I'm working with won't get sick, and that everything will hum along according to schedule. My prayer for you, my readers, is that you will have a productive week, and that you will be effective wherever you've been called to serve.


MamaRedd said...

I am glad to see you posting more. I like these little windows into your life.

freerad said...

Hey, which kiddo is getting married?? I'm also glad to see more posts--only way I have any idea what's up with you.