Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Here it is, October 18, 2009. Since my last posting, which was a video and no writing (as someone pointed out to me), I've sat here several times, trying to think of what words to use to communicate to you unfortunate people who check this blog, but I've not had much success. There's a lot going on in my head, but it's not coming out my fingertips onto the keyboard. I'm troubled but I'm not sure what it's about. I'm lonely, but I don't know why. I'm sad at times, but then, on Friday when I saw the sun for the first time in about a week, I cannot tell you how my spirit lifted as I drove to work. It was like a tonic to the soul.

I'm dissatisfied with things and am making changes, but see that I need to make a lot more. The ministry I have at church is puzzling to me, and is lacking in some way, but I don't know what. Due to some extraordinary situations right now, my job is making me weary in body and spirit. I feel sorta like I would like to draw the curtains and stay at home for awhile. It's hard to describe.

So that's that. Not a lot here, I know. But we'll see what happens this week.

Also today, I'm thinking of those in my extended family who are facing serious illness and life changes. God be with you, Pilgrim on the Way, as you step into the unknown. Your faith is extraordinary, your life is an encouragement to me. Blessings to you- from your niece.


bluggier said...

Sometimes, I think, when you just have a sort of jumble of stuff and nothing gels and comes out, that's when God works the best.
It's when we think we have things figured out and think we know what's what that we tend to shut Him out of our picture for ourselves.
I know it's a strange and uncomfortable feeling, dear...been there, done that...and it's one that I anyway can't seem to shake, but goes away in its own good time as the "still, small voice" begins to whisper once again asking me just how much I trust Him.

Wayne said...

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, sometimes the road is rough to travel, as with me right now. I find music to be my uplifter many times. And friends who care that assist in meeting my needs. And most of I know that Jesus cares, and that He is with me and He will always be there, in the smooth times and in the rough times. So hold on, the seas will soon be calm again. Blessings to you and yours.


Wayne said...

One addition to the above comment. As to the people who are there, my wonderful wife should have been named first. She is so tender and kind and right there to help at all times of day or night. I would be lost without her. These kind of times seem to draw us closer to one another than we have ever been, and I'm so grateful for that.