So, I'm cat sitting this week, and maybe next. This is my daughter's cat, Smokey. He's had a little surgery on his leg, and she's afraid her dog might unintentionally rambuctiously injure it, so, he gets to recouperate over here. We've been petless for awhile now. Our dog died several years ago unexpectedly, of a heart attack, and we put our 20 year old cat down last year. So there's a certain freedom in being petless, but, I sure don't mind having one around again. He's a sweet boy. He's the only cat I've ever known in my life who comes when you call him. She rescued him from a life on the streets and has a little money invested in him (neutering, declawing, eye infection medicine, shots, etc etc.) He has sort of odd fur-he's a Turkish Van (according to his owner the cat expert). It is very thick and soft, sort of like cashmere, and just feels different that regular cat fur. He has adapted well here, and responds to us with affectionate headbutts and rolling over on his back for a tummy rub. After his life on the street, he should be a cat with mental problems, but he's really got a wonderful disposition. Welcome, Smokey! You've already wedged your way into my heart.
If I haven't said it enough thanks so much for taking such good care of him for me. I knew that I could trust him with you, and am so incredibly grateful.
Careful. Animals have a way of worming their way into your heart.
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