Saturday, January 05, 2008


It's a beautiful day-I'm so glad to see the sun! The warmer weather is a blessing, and it's nice to not get blown away in the wind either.
My son is back from his trip over the break to visit a friend in Wisconsin, so once again my home is filled with big feet tromping up and down the stairs, music flowing from his upstairs sanctuary, different flavored coffees in the coffee pot and various cups sitting on the counter waiting to be rinsed out, and the sound of his keyboard as he practices those finger exercises. It was different not having him home, but something I think I could get used to...
In reviewing my sister's blog, her latest post had to do with the election-that sometimes we may tend to vote for a candidate who will do the least damage - vote for the "least of the worst", as it were.
I got to thinking about that, and, I feel like wading into "dangerous" territory, so here we go. Generally speaking, it seems that of the more conservative folk I know, there is usually a, oh, I don't know what to call it, perhaps it can be described as a "yuck factor" which is applied to selecting candidates-as if the political process we have in this country is something akin to stepping into a fresh cow pile in a pasture-yuck! And, we vote for the person we perceive has the least amount of "pile" clinging to his (or her) cowboy boots-the person who will track the least amount of offensiveness into our lives.
One hypothesis for the yuck factor is that most conservatives like the least amount of government intrusion possible-the less government running our lives the better. But I think another factor is that religiously conservative people do not view any mere human to be the "salvation" of this country-and alongside of and supporting that viewpoint, is the notion that things will ultimately get worse in the future. And because things will get worse in the future, all of the candidates running for office are poor choices-it's just that some candidates will make things worse faster than others. If you believe that the future is bleak, and that overall, society is declining on a downhill slope to hell, then you most likely will not be able to hope that any candidate will make positive changes, and, you will be employing the yuck factor in your candidate selection, IF you care to select a candidate at all.
The spouse in my house is a disgruntled conservative. "There's nobody that's NOT waffling! There's no leadership! There's no 'political statesman' who will stand for the values of the GOP!" As you can tell, he's a person who doesn't compromise. He's gonna be examining boots for pasture mud. And holding his nose in the ballot booth.

1 comment:

bluggier said...

It should be an interesting year at your house....