We are off in a running start for the new school year, which began August 21. We have 10 or more kids with Tier 3 behavior and now, I get to wear a walkie with an earpiece so that I can help if needed. Our Tier 3 babies are in crisis - some are in foster care, some are traumatized by violence, abuse, or parental issues, and some are mentally ill. We absolutely do not have enough staff to handle all our issues and that's where the stress in this job comes in. I've increased blood pressure meds because I'm feeling pretty anxious, but all in all, I think I'm doing ok. Just a lot of work, and long days - 10-11 hours are the norm.
We've also had an unfortunate situation in our close family where some misunderstanding occurred and things got out of hand on a Facebook post. I have decided to boot Facebook from my life for awhile and not post anything nor respond to anything - although I do check it for pictures posted and for info from our local newspaper. Sometimes I just wonder if it's worth the heartache it can sometimes cause - and I'm including myself in this. My desire is never ever to hurt another person with words, but it's so easy to do that inadvertently on Facebook. I have missed it because I like posting status updates - I may have to do that here. Here are a few I've thought of but didn't post:
A kindergarten student asked me twice today - "Are you my mommy?" I would have liked to have said yes to that lil punkin, but he already has a mom in his life - he certainly doesn't need two.
The Cowboys sure got smacked by the Broncos. Blech.
Payton Manning's latest commercial called "The Commish" is pretty good. I kinda like that guy. He looks like he's enjoying retirement.
Anybody else enjoy hearing the sound of train whistles?
My sister is posting some old pics of us as kids various photos of family life growing up in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Thinking about mom and dad a lot these days - still miss them after all these years.
Started rehearsals for "Messiah" with Wichita Choral Society. It's like "coming home".
I gave up on my 1000 piece puzzle. I'm a failure, unlike several others I know who can do this successfully and in only a few days/weeks.
And that's all from me. Happy trails.