While I'm thinking about folks I appreciate, I'd like to add these pictures I took of my uncles, Mervin Troyer and Wayne King. I visited both of these gentlemen this last week at the retirement community they live in and enjoyed it immensely. Mervin is holding a "corn dropper" implement that his father made (I believe he said it was his father) many years ago. He explained how it worked, and it was interesting for me to hear about that and ponder just how how innovative people were back then. It would have taken a long time for people to plant even an acre of corn, but this tool would have helped with that chore. It hangs in Mervin's room, a reminder of an era long ago. I think Mervin can best be described as a person of a profound, but simple faith in the God he serves. He has a humble, servant attitude and a work ethic that puts me to shame-he is always busy as much as as he can physically be - at almost 91 years old.
And Wayne is my mother's youngest brother. After a lifetime of ministry as pastor of several Mennonite churches, he and his lovely wife have recently moved to a community not too far from here. It has been wonderful for me and my siblings to re-establish contact with them and visit occasionally. I appreciate the life of faith Wayne and Clara live each day, and of their willingness to share that with us, his sister's family. He is a craftsman-he makes pens and pencils out of wood as well as other things which grace his and Clara's comfortable home.
Thank you to both of you for your attitudes of thanksgiving and for your continuing faith-walk in circumstances of physical frailty. You are much appreciated!