Friday, October 10, 2008

Attention Getters

Things which have caught my attention recently:

The weather. I cannot remember in recent history, such a temperate September and October. Daytime temps remain in the 70's and 80's, with cooler temperatures in the evenings, but we aren't even running the furnace much yet. I think I had it on a few mornings ago when I woke up to a house that was kind of chilly.

My youngest son. He's now a working man. He takes his lunch every day, using a vinyl lunch bag he wouldn't have been caught dead carrying a couple of years ago. Even when he worked at WSU and took his lunch, he ate mostly frozen dinners and took them in a plastic grocery bag. And made fun of people who TOOK lunch bags. But now, he's come over to the dark side and is stuffing a lunch bag with food every day. (However, I just now heard him in the kitchen muttering to himself..."I'm not in the mood for this lunch today".)

The book, "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gungor. The title is cheesy, but the premise is interesting. I have not agreed with everything he's said but it's been entertaining. I wonder if he's been married for as long as I have. I understand that he's a pastor, and I try to imagine my pastor saying some of the things this guy says in his book. Hmmm. I don't think so. I recommend it for the entertainment factor, if nothing else.

The election and everything that goes with it. What is there to say, except, God help us all. But I have enjoyed Tina Fey's impersonation of Sarah Palin-she's a dead ringer for her and has the voice to boot. (Alaska IS near Russia, doncha know...)

Lower gas prices. Thanks be to God, I can fill up for a little more than 50.00 now. I don't know why the price of oil is falling so fast, and you can read a million opinions on it. One thing I do know, it's temporary. This economy is on a roller coaster ride and we just need to hang on the best we can.

Speaking of roller coasters, I rode one for the first time in many years last weekend at Silver Dollar City. It was called the "Powder Keg". It gave me a neck ache and heartburn. You know you're an old geezer when a roller coaster produces acid reflux which lasts for hours. Tums sorta helped. However, I did very much enjoy riding the "Lost River Rapids", with 2 brothers and a husband. We ended up so wet we wrang our socks out afterwards, but what a perfect two days we had at Silver Dollar City, weather-wise and just overall, a lot of fun.

That's all for now. Have a good weekend.

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