Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm glad I can type a "subject" in here....

Many times, I feel as if I am an Edsel in a world of 2009 BMWs when it comes to computer technology. Just recently my son completed an upgrade on our desktop here in the front room. He was able to save all my favorites and icons but I had to re-install Yahoo Messenger. Of course, I now have the latest version of that, which, I hate, and, a new version of IE (I believe it's 7), which I also deplore. These new versions are supposed to make my life easier, but alas, they do not. One of the most glaring things is that when I compose an email from my Yahoo email address, the subject line is un-enterable. The field is there, but it's not open to put anything in it. I sent an email to Yahoo Help, and received, I assume, a computer generated reply to try several things, all of which will take more time and patience than I currently have at my disposal. If any of you reading this blog could think of anything to tell me to do, please let me know. It's not the end of the world, but it's a little thing that's making me crazy. I once had a superior return an email to me, chastizing me for not having a subject line in it. I still work for this superior and I think about that every time I send one out, particularly to her, although, I of course, I use my work email address so there's no problem. It's just that I THINK about it. Every time.

It's Sunday morning. After laying awake most of the night, I'm now up and thinking about activities ahead in this day. Church. Lunch. Choir practice. Women's group. Evening services. I hope for a nap, but that's not happening today. I see from "Sunday Morning" that Charles Osgood is broadcasting from the Phildelphia Zoo. Time to get coffee and go see what Charlie's got on his agenda. Have a good day, all.

1 comment:

bluggier said...

Well, I hope you have a better day with church and related things than you evidently have with your PC.