Saturday, September 27, 2008

Don't have a heart attacked, I'm posting. It's not that there isn't anything going on, I think that it's because I just feel overwhelmed at what life is throwing at me these days. Some of it I can write about, some of it, I can't.

I'm in the throes of a cold/allergies and all that goes with it. The last two days I've worked half days and done only what I absolutely had to do, so there's a lot at the job that didn't get done. It will await me as I go back on Monday. When you don't feel well physically, you don't feel well mentally either, so it'll probably be a struggle.

The weather now is absolutely exceptional. Warm days, cool nights. Last Saturday I nearly wrecked myself doing yard work, but I so much enjoyed getting out.

A familiar refrain from a more contemporary song implanted itself in my brain today, and is helping me keep my sanity when things are not sane. It is this:

When I think I'm goin' under,
Part the waters, Lord.
When I feel the waves around me,
Calm the sea.
When I cry for help O hear me Lord
And hold out your hand,
Touch my life,
Still the raging storm in me.
by Annie Hawks & Robert Lowery
There is nothing we can hold on to in this life except our belief that God is. The Great I Am is. When others fail, when things fall apart, when people let us down, we come back to the foundation of our faith, that He is. No matter what you are going through, I hope your beliefs are anchored in the One who never changes, and who is always faithful to do what He says.

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