Saturday, August 08, 2009


The last couple of days have been busy ones for me. I had my first colonoscopy (!, sorry to entertain you with such delicate information), and I've been painting, cleaning, etc. The aforementioned medical procedure went well, and results of the polypectomy should be known in a few days. Other results are too uncouth, gauche, and maladroit to be written about here, but if you want to know and cannot stand not knowing, email me and I'll tell you. It's very true what they say. The preparation is much worse than the actual procedure, if you get my drift.

Back to work on Monday. I'm ready to go, I think, although I have certainly enjoyed my time adrift in a sea of summertime activities. Our church has a picnic scheduled for tomorrow evening but I'm not overly anxious to go and sit in the wind and heat. We do have a shelter rented at a local park, and there's fishing there, so I might take my pole. Depends on how hot it is. Most fish won't bite in the heat of the day. What am I gonna do if I catch one anyway?

Not a lot of deep thinking going on here in this blog entry today, but I do have a lot on the brain. It's just not fit for public musing. Yet.

1 comment:

bluggier said...

The thrill is in the throw it back!!