Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break is OVER

When will you blog again? - People are asking, asking, asking, nagging nagging, nagging...All my good intentions about blogging during spring break went right out the window. I have no good excuse, really, except that blogging seemed too much like WORK. Speaking of work, it's time to go back and begin the countdown for the last 9 weeks of school. It will not be unusual for me to work 50-60 hour weeks from now until the end of the year, and for me to bring work home. Evaluations, meetings, and paperwork are overwhelming at both schools. Tools and strategies certainly help keep me sane. One great tool I use is one of the best planners I've ever seen published by Franklin Covey. This planner helps me prioritize daily in order to achieve weekly goals - and, it helps me keep the big picture in mind, which is, what I need to finish up by the end of year. Also, I have learned to make the most of my time-I work on paperwork and try to have meetings before and after school, and when kids are there from 9-4, my focus is working with them.

So anyhow-what about spring break? It was great! Usually, I try to get away for a few days, but alas, not this time - however, my time off was not unproductive. I'd tell you everything I did but you'd be asleep within 30 seconds. Let's just say I enjoyed life and leave it at that. Lydia liked having me around home as well-she's going to miss me as we go back to our regular schedule tomorrow.

So, on other subjects-what to say about the bailout mess-how do I feel about the government using tax dollars to keep private companies afloat-do we need more government intervention in our lives, or less? And is there a moral issue at stake in giving companies bailout dollars only to have them fund bonuses for their CEO's? It's sort of like Ray Barone giving his brother Robert a thousand dollars because he was in serious financial trouble, then Robert deciding to go on a vacation to Las Vegas with the money. Were there strings to Ray's gift? No, but yes.
On a less serious matter, I've decided that if my hometown newspaper is going to cancel the columns of hometown writers (Joe Stumpe and Kathy Manweiler), then maybe I'll cancel my subscription. Deciding that these columnists were no longer needed are the most recent of changes the Wichita Eagle has made and not for the better. I let it go when they cancelled the little insert every day called Wichitalk, and I let it go when they cancelled a couple of other local columnists, but say it isn't so! A paper without Joe Stumpe is like---well, it's just not the same. I feel almost the same way about cable TV, except, I really like the Food Network-it's probably what I watch the most. The junk that's on the 4 main networks-is exactly that, nothing but junk. Yuck.
And finally, this:
"Sir, What is the secret of your success?"
"Two words"
"And, Sir, what are they?"
"Right decisions."
"And how do you make right decisions?"
"One word."
"And, What is that?"
"And how do you get Experience?"
"Two words"
"And, Sir, what are they?"
"Wrong decisions."

1 comment:

bluggier said...

Last lines...well said and very true.