Friday, August 01, 2008

The power of water

One of my more ambitious projects for the summer has been to get our screened-in porch more usable. When the kids were younger it became a repository for skates, muddy shoes, bikes, and various projects in progress. As they became teens, the porch was a place where many evening and late night talks occurred. There was just something about sitting in the dark that fostered communication, and all our kids had many "opportunities" to visit with mom or dad or both about life issues out on that porch. When our kids had friends over, they gathered on the porch. Several "rat boys" (my son-in-law is not among that group!) came calling on our daughter and visited her on the porch, and who can forget Joshua and his friend Nathan hanging around out there, talking about girls, jobs, money, and whatever else.

We've always had a grill out there and used it a lot. There are no mosquitos or moths as the old man did a good job of building screens for it. In the summer, it's shaded all the time except for first thing in the morning. I've stood out there and watched torrential rain, sleet, big fat snowflakes come down, and blizzards - unless the wind is blowing hard, it's a dry porch. For that reason, it was not only a good place for our inside cat to go and hang out out (she thought she was actually outside) but it sheltered strays (remember the gray cat that had kittens?) and was a great place for a furry wet dog who was afraid of thunder to hide out on.

The old man has never had a workshop to put his tools, so, the porch became his tool shed. In recent years, the clutter on the porch has just made me sort of crazy, SO, to that end, we bought a new shed with a workbench which was installed for the man in the backyard. He has most of his things moved out there at this point, and most of my garden stuff is out there.

Last night, he installed a swing in front, and as we sat there, I told him that we need to start thinking of the porch as another room to our house, and to that end, it needs cleaning and sprucing up pretty badly. So this morning, I hauled out the garden hose and turned the nozzle to "jet". I took all the plants off the porch and with the power of pressured water, did a little cleaning. Down came the cobwebs in the corner, off came the mud, dirt, and grime from the screened in window sills, as well as PAINT. Yes, when you clean, you discover other problems you didn't know you had. The paint peeled off the sills in droves, so that's a fall project waiting to happen. I jetted the welcome mat and around the front door. I squirted the windows in the front room that look out to the east side of the porch. I tried rinsing the screens but wasn't too successful. And, I set the plants out in the front and gave them all a nice soaking shower.

Water from a nozzle-it took me only a half an hour to clean filth that had accumlated for 20 years. There ya go.


Tiffani said...

water is a magical thing, no? I had a wonderful time tonight!

Rebekah said...

Yes I remember the "rat boys". The porch holds a lot of memories. I always felt more relaxed and able to have intense conversations on the front porch.

bluggier said...

Things like this are recalled with much more fondness than are many things on which we spend a lot of money. I've certainly found that to be true as I go into the autumn of my life. I recall the simple things...the things that seemed to just happen much more and with more satisfaction.